Lloyd Metcalf Inc.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Getting photos done on a budget

Getting photos of events, people and places where you might want a photographer can be cheaper than you think, and actually worth more than you might think.

For someone like myself, who makes photo only a part of what I do, it still maintains a sort of "hobby" status for me, even though I work at it semi-professionally (depending on your definition of pro).

I have even been known to work for trade of services or items on occasion just to keep the shutter snapping and to keep my eye fresh.

Why have a photographer?

Would be the question that comes to many peoples mind when they have cameras on their smart phones that are taking 8 or more megapixel images and doing more and more tricks. The fact of the matter is, there is a difference between simply snapping a photo and having a photographer actively with you and seeking out those "special moments" of whatever activity it is you are doing. Having someone available with specific DSLR settings, focal lengths, and lenses to capture images, while you are in the images, or activity.

A little piece of me wonders if people really realize how much of their lives they are missing when I see concerts  or fireworks and it is just a sea of hands holding up smartphones. People are experiencing the world, through their devices. They are watching a concert, through their phone. They are no longer watching the show, or enjoying the music because they are trying to capture something on their phone.

Set the phone down, be in life, and let a photographer capture the special moments.

A picture is worth a thousand... dollars

Many times listing items for sale require not only to get the photo of the items in the best way, but in the worst way. Details need to be photographed, and sometimes that includes the dings and scratches. Things that not only show the quality of the items for sale, but your integrity by also listing what may be wrong.

Product photography can be the difference between a few sales, and many sales when it comes to online listing. Grabbing quick snapshots with your phone or a cheap camera could mean cutting your own sales short. It could also mean lost future customers if they are not receiving what they expected.

So get in touch, maybe there is a truly affordable solution that can be worked out so I can keep my cameras warm, and you can have the prints you want to share and cherish, or use to make your fortune.

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