Some of you may have seen 'The Bogey of Swindle' My Mini Mod
adventure I created with Ian Graham. Well, those were pretty popular.
The trial run was worth a shot, and we have decided to launch 'Mini
Mods' A series of 3 short adventures.
We already have 2 of the 3
written. I have used some of the Kickstarter funds from the greeting card project to
help get them moving. I have brought on a professional writer to help us
out.... and yes, there is a kickstarter to get them made.
Help us fund Mini Mod adventures.
Short one off adventure quests written for unprepared GMs, or side
quests, red herrings, or just to add depth to your campaign world.
you can't back or support I hope you will help spread the word. We are
very excited to be part of the new generation of RPG game creators.